Book Signing: Emery Lord, Brittany Cavallaro, and Emily Henry

Joseph-Beth Cincinnati hosted two back-to-back signings with my newest favorite contemporary authors! First up: Emery Lord for her newest book The Names They Gave Us

Waiting for Emery!
She’s hilarious.


Emery made us cookies!

Emery was hilarious and down to earth! I had just finished her book When We Collided two days prior to this, and when I told her that it destroyed me she suggested I read something more lighthearted between it and The Names They Gave Us because it would destroy me too! She’s one of the most effortlessly funny people I’ve ever met.

Day Two involved meeting Brittany Cavallaro for her newest book The Last of August and Emily Henry for A Million Junes!

(I haven’t ready anything by Emily yet, so I also picked up The Love That Split The World.)

Waiting for Brittany and Emily!
Their friendship is #goals.
How cute are they?!

Brittany and Emily are best friends, and it was so cute to watch them interact with each other and lead the discussion! They had us laughing, crying, and wanting to be in their #squad. It was a seriously great time, with some seriously awesome ladies! I’ve never met anyone more kind than these two.

Meeting Cassie and eating the cupcakes Emily’s mom made us!

Emily’s mom made everyone these DELICIOUS cupcakes, and I got to enjoy mine with Cassie, a friend from OTSP Secret Sister! it was great meeting her and getting to hang out with her on both nights of signings!

Both signings were small and intimate, and there were some great questions asked! I love getting to go to these events, and couldn’t believe some of my newest faves coming this close to my tiny area! I still had to drive an hour and a half to get to them, but if they got any closer they’d have to host it in a corn field.